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Atlanta Design Festival: The Future Places Project/A new way to approach historic preservation

The City of Atlanta has a fascinating history that is represented in its buildings, places, culture, and people.  At the same time, there are variety of viewpoints regarding the role of historic buildings and places in the City.  The last time a comprehensive analysis was undertaken and a strategy was developed regarding the City’s historic buildings and places was in the mid-to-late 1980s, almost 30 years ago.  Since that time, the City and its people, along with its planning framework and the maturity of its urban design have all changed considerably.  In short, a comprehensive strategy was needed to understand how the City’s historic resources and preservation programs will both influence and be impacted development and how preservation programs will work in collaboration with the City’s other planning efforts.  The “Future Places Project” is that strategy.   Learn more about the Future Places Project and how the Department of City Planning has begun its implementation through new designations and programs. 

 Speaker: DCP’s own Doug Young, Assistant Director, Historic Preservation

For more info, visit: https://atlantadesignfestival.net/