Prevail Union | Home Park (Image: Upper Westside CID)
love our places: parklets
To support public health guidelines for local food and beverage establishments while also creating vibrant streets, the City of Atlanta’s Love Our Places held a parklet round in 2021. The program provided resources for operators to re-purpose on-street parking spaces into outdoor seating areas in accordance with the City’s recently updated Outdoor Dining legislation and permit process. Parklets designed to last more than a couple of months typically cost anywhere from $20,000 to $50,000 or more. Through this program, establishments received cost-efficient parklets at no cost to them.
11 parklets
22 parking
spaces converted
total invested
invested per parklet
“It really not only financially brought us up, it brought our morale up. It made us hopeful.”
— Parnass Savang, chef and co-owner of Talat Market (Eater Atlanta)
Applications are closed.
If you have any questions please email