Lindbergh Armour Learn


The following documents provide detailed information about the study area and community engagement process. Need translation services or other assistance? Click here to contact us. Click the links to below to learn more.

  • Stakeholder Engagement and Community Outreach Plan

    Review the SECOP to learn about what types of meetings and activities you can participate in during the engagement process for LAMP.

  • Existing Conditions Report

    The Existing Conditions Report provides insight into the study area’s demographics, economy, and physical attributes. In addition, it identifies key challenges and opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Lindbergh Armour Master Plan?

An overview of the project can be found here and here.

What is the project timeline for LAMP?

LAMP is targeting adoption by December 2023. To see upcoming meetings and events, view Community Engagement Calendar.

When is the next project meeting or event?

There will be many opportunities to meet with the Project Team and share your thoughts both virtually and in-person. Public engagement opportunities will kick off in January 2023. Stay tuned for updates to the project calendar. [here][1]

In the meantime, you can request to meet with a member of the Project Team during Virtual Office Hours to learn more about the project or ask questions about project documents.

You can also email to submit comments and questions about the project.

What are the expected outcomes of this master plan?

The study will culminate in a final report that summarizes the various tasks, discusses the community and stakeholder engagement process, and provides recommendations based on input from the City, MARTA, key stakeholders, and community members. It will include a list of recommendations for infrastructure projects, potential policy changes, and other strategies or actions that the City and MARTA can take to increase accessibility and maintain affordability for the Lindbergh-Armour district.

The Project Team will produce the following items for the Lindbergh-Armour Master Plan:

• Existing Conditions Report with a brief market analysis (completed July 2021)

• Concept plans that analyze proposals for trails and transit in the area


Project overview

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