English Avenue

Neighborhood Design Party in 2018

Neighborhood Design Party in 2018

English Avenue: Placemaking

Since 2017, the Department of City Planning (DCP) has partnered with community organizations in English Avenue to bring improvements to the intersection of James P Brawley and Cameron Madison Alexander.

The Department of City Planning has held multiple activations at the intersection to gather input from the community on public realm improvements and to celebrate the culture and history of the neighborhood. From this feedback, DCP collaborated with multiple public agencies to bring improvements to the Brawley and Alexander intersection.

Project 365/TBCI

In coordination with The Beloved Community Inc. (TBCI) Project 365, DCP has committed to implementing the following public art projects at the intersection in 2021 by leveraging its Placemaking Program:

  • Bus Stop Enhancement: We will partner with MARTA to contract an artist to create a design for the bus shelter installed on the southwest corner of Brawley and Alexander and add an artistic element to the MARTA Simme-Seat on the northeast corner.

  • Decorative Crosswalks: An artist will be contracted to design the four crosswalks at the intersection of James P. Brawley Drive and Cameron Madison Alexander Boulevard. The crosswalks will be professionally painted using unique designs to create a sense of community.

Westside Future Fund and the @Promise Center

In coordination with the Westside Future Fund and the @Promise Center, DCP will be implementing the following public art projects:

  • Yellow Store: DCP is in conversations with Westside Future Fund to install a painted mural on the building located at 500 James P. Brawley Drive. This large mural could be a great opportunity to build community, showcase the identity of the neighborhood and bring beauty to the intersection.

  • Decorative Pillars: DCP is facilitating a partnership with the community and an arts organization to create artistic pillars that can be used as a source of inspiration to be displayed in the English Avenue neighborhood to empower the citizens, reflect experiences, incite hope, and show a path forward.

Art Selection Process

The DCP will partner with an arts organization to complete the art selection process. The artwork will be selected by a seven-person panel comprised of three community members, two artists, one arts administrator, and one project funder.

Community members will be invited to provide feedback on artwork proposals at future English Avenue Neighborhood Association meetings.

Project Timeline

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