east atlanta village: crosswalk art & porch
“The goal of this project is to support the vibrant, artistic and convivial feel of the Village through the reinforcement of pedestrian activity and creation of spaces for residents and visitors to gather as a community.”
In 2019, members from the East Atlanta Community Association (EACA) were awarded a grant from the Department of City Planning to enhance community identity and transportation safety. The project consists of creative crosswalks installed in the heart of the Village and a sidewalk seating area called the EAV Porch for patrons of the Village to enjoy.
EACA selected local artist Krista Jones to design and install art at five crosswalks along Flat Shoals Avenue, which were completed in October 2020. The EAV Porch will be installed by local artist and fabricator Allen Peterson near the corner of Flat Shoals & Glenwood Avenue Fall/Winter 2022.
Art vs. safety: Designing art where pedestrians and vehicles meet requires more consideration of safety for all parties. Our goal was the city’s largest public space — our streets — to contribute to the safety, beauty, and identity of the community while also maintaining a safe condition for motorists. For this project, we worked with the Atlanta Department of Transportation to create design standards detailing colors and patterns that are appropriate for vehicular right-of-way. These standards will allow us to more easily build creative crosswalks across the city.